Sister Melannie Svoboda
Sister Melannie Svoboda has been a Sister of Notre Dame of Chardon, OH for over 50 years. During that time she has served as a high school and college teacher, novice director, and provincial (president) of her congregation. She also ministered in the Jesuit novitiate in Detroit for six years. Currently she writes and gives talks and retreats nationally. A free-lance writer, her articles have appeared in numerous publications including America, Catholic Digest, National Catholic Reporter, Liguorian, Living Faith, Review for Religious, and Country Woman.
She is also the author of thirteen books including Traits of a healthy Spirituality; When the Rain Speaks: Celebrating God’s Presence in Nature; With the Dawn Rejoicing: A Christian Perspective on Pain and Suffering; Just Because; When the Blue Heron Flies; The Lord Is My Shepherd (Twenty-Third Publications); and Gracious Goodness (Loyola Press) and Gospels on the Go (NCEA). Her favorite pastimes include walking, reading, listening to music, conversing with friends, working crossword and sudoku puzzles, playing Scrabble, and cheering on her beloved Cleveland teams.
During this Women’s Retreat at Sea Cruise, Sr. Melannie will lead a daily morning prayer time and offer Retreat presentations and spiritual direction on our at-sea days.
We do not currently have any tours for Sister Melannie Svoboda.